College Readiness Group for High School Students Details

Tentative group schedule and structure:
      Week 1… Introduction and University Selection… Group could focus on finding a good fit (i.e., location, size, resources, etc).

      Week 2: Understanding “norms” in college…
      Finding campus resources, possible disability services and accomodations/mental health resources

      Week 3: Relationships:
      Communicating with college professors and peers.

      Week 4: anxiety and ways to overcome it

      Week 5: Executive functioning… time blocking, prioritization, goal setting. Strategies to complete assignments on time.

      Week 6: study skills: notetaking and study skills/techniques/exam prep

      Week 7: Navigating college applications- creating a good application. SAT/ACT

      Week 8: conclusion and planning… reflecting on skills learned and creating a personalized plan for college.